Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA Protests and the Impact on your Everyday Life

I've circulated an email to some of my key contacts in my particular corner of the academic world, and thought I'd see if I could get a response via blogpost, just for kicks.  So, here's what I'm asking:

So, with the SOPA protests online, I’m curious the extent to which you think it’s affecting your ability to do the things you want and/or need to do today, for academic or non-academic purposes.

If you’ve got the time and inclination, would you please tell me:
1)  what were you planning to do today that involved being online?
2)  were you successful?
3) if not, why not?
4) if so, could you do it as you originally intended, or did you have to come up with a work-around?

Would you like to answer the questions?  Please do so in the comments.

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